Monday, January 25, 2016

Mercury in Blazing-Hot Catalytic Territory As it Stations Direct

So it's Monday. It's January. And Mercury is stationing direct conjunct Pluto.

Well, then.

"One step ahead of reverse" may sum up the proceedings of this day (or the next couple days, to be honest), but keep inching your way through it. Tackle responsibilities like a champ, step-by-step, even if the steps you're taking are teeny-tiny. This will ease your mind and take some of the Plutonic pressure off.

Communication/intelligence planet Mercury will be in forward-ho motion at 14 degrees Capricorn by this evening (direct station at 3:50 p.m. CST).

Mercury's position (tightly conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and square Uranus in Aries) indicates that communication and information flow this week is all kinds of potent.

Pluto is pulling up some yuck, some buried energy or emotion, forcing potentially uncomfortable "air clearing" exchanges designed to move us beyond old sticking points and unsatisfactory ways of interacting. Mercury crawls forward in the zodiac this week, making one final exact conjunction to Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn on January 29 (11:58 p.m.).

At the same time, Uranus in Aries is blasting us out of old physical and mental constructs in favour of a new vision, a breath of fresh air, new energy sources, new ways of doing things, a fresh start. Mercury will make one last square to revolutionary Uranus at 17 degrees Aries on January 31 (9:41 p.m.). We may see cracks opening or widening within the current structures for us to move through.

We're finding the catalytic words, perspectives, and ideas that propel us beyond the same old crap.

Some (possibly long overdue) speaking up may be necessary, but, with Mercury in Capricorn, we have to be strategic about it. Don't allow the Plutonic build-up to make you lose your cool or overstep your verbal boundaries, especially at work.

Love, money, values, and relationship planet Venus has also just taken up residence in Capricorn and will repeat the activation of the Uranus-Pluto square with a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn on February 5 (7:15 p.m.) and a square to Uranus in Aries on February 6 (4:03 p.m.).

Things are a little unsettled with business plans, structure, love, and money! 

People may be on edge this week: touchy, defensive, quick to anger, easily hurt or insulted, fed up, fuming.

Things are building all week to the Mercury-Pluto conjunction on Friday, and if people are not being fully honest or authentic in their dealings with others, Plutonic meltdowns may force that honesty and authenticity. "Well, then. Tell us how you really feel!"

Things are simmering. Energy is trapped within structures, systems, and rules that are no longer humanly possible to upkeep. Trying to continue with "business as usual" may push people past their breaking points now.

But we have to go past those breaking points in order for the necessary changes to come into play. 

The Mercury contacts to Pluto and Uranus indicate that some major structural shifts are in progress, but it's such a slow-burn process of transformation that our quick-footed messenger planet may be getting a little frustrated.

I would encourage patrons to do a quick review of this article for more context on Mercury in Capriocorn's movement and retrograde process: Mercury in Capricorn Triggers the Uranus-Pluto Square Just as it Enters the Retrograde Shadow

The best use of these aspects is to clear any air that needs to be cleared using right timing and the organic Plutonic process. Don't force your words between anybody's ears, but definitely say what you need to say. Words resonate now far beyond the current moment.

New boundaries and lines in the sand may be established now.

Future plans will become solidified as Mercury regains speed direct, perhaps relating to the overall situation and/or the changing conditions on Planet Earth. 

Mercury will re-enter Aquarius on February 13, cooling our hot, little, Plutonically-charged brains. It will leave the retrograde shadow at 1 degree Aquarius on February 14.

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can."

 - Yoda

(Mercury conjunct Pluto)

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